
Please note that I list only publications in English below. A full list of my publications, including Polish ones, is available here


Hohol, M. (2020). Foundations of geometric cognition. London–New York: Routledge [LINK] [Preview]

The cognitive foundations of geometry have puzzled academics for a long time, and even today are mostly unknown to many scholars, including mathematical cognition researchers. Foundations of Geometric Cognition shows that basic geometric skills are deeply hardwired in the visuospatial cognitive capacities of our brains, namely spatial navigation and object recognition. These capacities, shared with non-human animals and appearing in early stages of the human ontogeny, cannot, however, fully explain a uniquely human form of geometric cognition. In the book, the author argues that Euclidean geometry would not be possible without the human capacity to create and use abstract concepts, demonstrating how language and diagrams provide cognitive scaffolding for abstract geometric thinking, within a context of a Euclidean system of thought.

edited books & special issues

Miłkowski, M., Hohol, M. (Eds.) (2021). Explanations in cognitive science: unification vs pluralism. Synthese199(Suppl. 1), S1–S219 [LINK]

Miłkowski, M., Hohol, M., Nowakowski, P. (Eds.) (2019). Mechanisms in psychology: The road towards unity?. Theory & Psychology, 29(5), 567–735 [LINK]

Brożek, B., Heller, M., Hohol, M. (Eds.). (2017). The concept of explanation. Kraków: Copernicus Center Press [LINK]

Stelmach, J., Brożek, B., Hohol, M. (Eds.). (2013). The many faces of normativity. Kraków: Copernicus Center Press [LINK]

papers and book chapters

Wołoszyn, K., Hohol, M., Kuniecki, M., & Winkielman, P. (2024). Facing emotional vocalizations and instrumental sounds: Sighted and blind individuals spontaneously and selectively activate facial muscles in response to emotional stimuli. Emotion, accepted. PsyArXiv preprint: [LINK]

Szymanek, P., Homan, M., van Elk, M., & Hohol, M. (2024). Effects of expectations and sensory unreliability on voice detection – A preregistered study. Consciousness and Cognition, 123, 103718. [LINK] [PDF]

Hohol, M., Szymanek, P., Cipora, K. (2024). Analogue magnitude representation of angles and its relation to geometric expertise. Scientific Reports, 14(8997). [LINK] [PDF]

Grodniewicz, J. P. & Hohol, M. (2024). Therapeutic chatbots as cognitive-affective artifacts. Topoi. [LINK] [PDF]

Szczygieł, M., & Hohol, M. (2024). The gender gap in math anxiety (and in a link between math anxiety and math performance too) is not so salient when other anxieties are controlled for. PsyArXiv preprint. [LINK]

Grodniewicz, J. P., Hohol, M. (2023). Waiting for a digital therapist: Three challenges on the path to psychotherapy delivered by artificial intelligence. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14, [LINK] [PDF]

Grodniewicz, J. P., Hohol, M. (2023). Therapeutic conversational artificial intelligence and the acquisition of self-understanding. The American Journal of Bioethics23(5), 59–61. [LINK] [PDF]

Baran, B., Krzyżowski, M., Radai, Z., Francikowski, J., & Hohol, M. (2023). Geometry-based navigation in the dark: Layout symmetry facilitates spatial learning in the house cricket, Acheta domesticus, in the absence of visual cues. Animal Cognition, 23, 755–770. [LINK] [PDF]

Wołoszyn, K., Hohol, M., Kuniecki, M., & Winkielman, P. (2022). Restricting movements of lower face leaves recognition of emotional vocalizations intact but introduces a valence positivity bias. Scientific Reports, 12(16101), 1–10. [LINK] [PDF]

Hohol, M., Wołoszyn, K., & Cipora, K. (2022). No fingers, no SNARC? Neither the finger counting starting hand, nor its stability robustly affect the SNARC effect. Acta Psychologica, 230, 103765. [LINK] [PDF]

Hohol, M., Wołoszyn K., Brożek, B. (2021). Making cognitive niches explicit: On the importance of external cognitive representations in accounting for cumulative culture. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience15(734930). [LINK] [PDF]

Miłkowski, M., Hohol, M. (2021). Explanations in cognitive science: Unication versus pluralism. Synthese,199(Suppl. 1), S1–S17. [LINK] [PDF]

Hohol, M. (2021). Cognitive science: an interdisciplinary approach to mind and cognition. In B. Brożek, M. Jakubiec, P. Urbańczyk (Eds.), Perspectives on interdisciplinarity (33–55), Krakow: Copernicus Center Press [PDF]

Hohol, M., Willmes, K., Nęcka, E., Brożek, B., Nuerk, H.-C., Cipora, K. (2020). Professional mathematicians do not differ from others in the symbolic numerical distance and size effects. Scientific Reports, 10(11531). [LINK] [PDF]

Miłkowski, M., Hohol, M. Nowakowski, P. (2019). Mechanisms in psychology: The road towards unity? Theory & Psychology, 29(5), 567–578. [PDF]

Hohol, M., Miłkowski, M. (2019). Cognitive artifacts for geometric reasoning. Foundations of Science, 24(4), 657–680. [LINK] [PDF]

Miłkowski, M., Hensel, W.M., Hohol, M. (2018). Replicability or reproducibility? On the replication crisis in computational neuroscience and sharing only relevant detail. Journal of Computational Neuroscience. 45(3)163–172. [LINK] [PDF]

Hohol, M., Wołoszyn, K., Nuerk, H.-C., Cipora, K. (2018). A large-scale survey on finger counting routines, their temporal stability and flexibility in educated adults. PeerJ, 6(e5878). [LINK] [PDF]

Miłkowski, M., Clowes, R.W., Rucińska, Z., Przegalińska, A., Zawidzki, T., Gies, A., Krueger, J., McGann, M., Afeltowicz, Ł., Wachowski, W.M., Stjernberg, F., Loughlin, V., Hohol, M. (2018). From wide cognition to mechanisms: A silent revolution. Frontiers in Psychology9(2393) [LINK] [PDF]

Hohol, M., Baran, B., Krzyżowski, M., Francikowski, J. (2017). Does spatial navigation have a blind-spot? Visiocentrism is not enough to explain the navigational behavior comprehensively. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience11(154). [LINK] [PDF]

Wołoszyn, K., Hohol, M. (2017). Commentary: The poverty of embodied cognition. Frontiers in Psychology8(845). [LINK] [PDF]

Hohol, M., Cipora, K., Willmes, K., Nuerk, H.-C. (2017). Bringing back the balance: Domain-general processes are also important in numerical cognition. Frontiers in Psychology8(499). [LINK] [PDF]

Cipora, K., Hohol, M., Nuerk, H.-C., Willmes, K., Brożek, B., Kucharzyk, B., Nęcka, E. (2016) Professional mathematicians differ from controls in their spatial-numerical associations, Psychological Research, 80, 710–726. [LINK] [PDF]

Kwiatek, Ł., Hohol, M. (2016). Embodiment, simulation and the meaning of language. In J. Stelmach, B. Brożek, Ł. Kwiatek (Eds.), The normative mind (111–133). Kraków: Copernicus Center Press [PDF]

Kwiatek, Ł., Hohol, M. (2016). The emergence of symbolic communication: From intentional gestures of great apes to human language. In J. Stelmach, B. Brożek i Ł. Kurek (Eds.), The emergence of normative orders (184–213). Kraków: Copernicus Center Press [PDF]

Hohol, M., Furman, M. (2016). On explanation in neuroscience: The mechanistic framework. In M. Heller, B. Brożek, M. Hohol (Eds), The concept of explanation (207-235). Kraków: Copernicus Center Press [PDF]

Brożek, B., Hohol, M. (2015). Language as a tool: An insight form cognitive science. Studia Humana4(2), 16–25. [PDF] [LINK]

Hohol, M. (2014). To frame an opponent: Cognitive science and (legal) negotiations. In J. Stelmach, B. Brożek (Eds.). Studies in the philosophy of law, Vol. 8 (103-119). Kraków: Copernicus Center Press [PDF]

Hohol, M., Urbańczyk, P. (2014). Some remarks on embodied-embedded social cognition. In J. Dębiec, M. Heller, B. Brożek, J. LeDoux (Eds.), Emotional brain revisited (279-302). Kraków: Copernicus Center Press  [PDF]

Hohol, M., Urbańczyk, P. (2013). Self-deception: Between philosophy and cognitive neuroscience. In J. Stelmach, B. Brożek, Ł. Kurek (Eds.), Philosophy In neuroscience (219-253). Kraków: Copernicus Center Press [PDF]

Hohol, M. (2013). The normativity of mathematics: A neurocognitive approach. In J. Stelmach, B. Brożek, M. Hohol (Eds.), The many faces of normativity (191-222). Kraków: Kraków [PDF]

Grygiel, W. P., Hohol M. (2011). Stephen Hawking’s ontology of physical theories. In B. Brożek, J. Mączka, W.P. Grygiel (Eds.), Philosophy in science: Methods and applications (105-115). Kraków: Copernicus Center Press [PDF]


 Kosslyn, S.M., Miller, G.W. (2019). Górny mózg, dolny mózg. Trans. N. Marek, M. Hohol. Kraków: Copernicus Center Press (originally:  Kosslyn, S.M., Miller, G.W. (2013). Top brain, bottom brain. New York: Simon & Schuster) [LINK]

LeDoux, J. (2017). Lęk: Neuronauka na tropie źródeł strachu i lęku. Trans. K. Wołoszyn, M. Hohol. Kraków: Copernicus Center Press (originally: LeDoux, J. (2015). Anxious: Using the brain to understand and treat fear and anxiety. New York: Viking) [LINK]

Churchland, P. S. (2013). Moralność mózgu: Co neuronauka mówi o moralności. Trans. M. Hohol, N. Marek. Kraków: Copernicus Center Press (originally: Churchland, P. S. (2011). Braintrust: What neuroscience tells us about morality. Princeton-Oxford: Princeton University Press) [LINKfragment]