
Courses taught at the Jagiellonian University in 2024/2025:

  • Poznanie matematyczne (Mathematical Cognition) (autumn semester, TBA)
  • Seminarium kognitywistyczne (Cognitive Science – Seminar for Master Students) (spring semester, TBA)
  • Interdisciplinary social and educational project (Doctoral School of Social Sciences) (autumn semester, Mondays, 13.30-15:45)

Past teaching experience:

Cognitive Science, Cognitive Science Seminar, Central Problems of Cognitive ScienceCognitive Processes and Cognitive NeuroscienceCognitive PsychologyMathematical CognitionEmbodied Cognition, The Structure of Neurocognitive TheoriesSocial MindCognitive LinguisticsThe Mind and Evolutionary Sciences, Philosophy: Tools for ThinkingIntroduction to Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science,  Introduction to Philosophy, Philosophy of NaturePhilosophy of ScienceElementary Logic, Philosophy of Mind.